It was only a matter of time. The U.S. Mint (apparently the 4th branch of government capable of creating laws) decided to make U.S. coin melting illegal.
I'm obviously not surprised. Particularly looking at the web server logs to my website, there's been a lot of ".gov" computers visiting recently (
I'm watching you big brother). I've seen this log activity before, but I figured it was idle government workers looking up silver coin values. At least I
thought that until looking at the server activity the last two weeks:
Logs removed.
Way too funny. The "Men in Black" will be knocking on my door soon, asking me why there's a thick black cloud of smoke coming from my fireplace.
I guess it's time to turn off the home smelter.
To find out the intrinsic value of U.S. coins (including pre-1965 silver), visit
P.S. I'm only kidding folks. I don't melt coins in my fireplace... geez.